EDMR Therapy

Coping Skill – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR) therapy

“Your vision is like a horizon, as far as you can see, your possibilities extend. Don’t let your limitations build walls around your sight.”




  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy approach primarily used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, EMDR integrates elements from various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and bilateral stimulation techniques.
  • The therapy involves a structured eight-phase treatment process that focuses on past traumatic experiences, current triggers, and future adaptive behaviors.
  • During EMDR sessions, the therapist guides the client to recall distressing memories while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation, typically through eye movements, hand taps, or auditory tones.
  • The bilateral stimulation is believed to facilitate the processing and integration of traumatic memories, allowing the client to reprocess the experience and develop more adaptive beliefs and emotions.
  • EMDR aims to alleviate the distressing symptoms of trauma by desensitizing the associated memories and reprogramming maladaptive thoughts and beliefs.
  • The therapy incorporates techniques such as imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring, and resource installation to support the client’s healing and resilience.
  • EMDR has been recognized as an evidence-based treatment for PTSD by various organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
  • Besides PTSD, EMDR has also shown effectiveness in addressing other mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, phobias, and addiction.
  • EMDR requires specialized training and certification for therapists to ensure proper application and adherence to the treatment protocol.



  • EMDR therapy helps individuals process and resolve distressing memories and trauma, leading to a reduction in associated symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, and nightmares.
  • It promotes emotional healing by desensitizing the intense emotions attached to traumatic experiences, allowing individuals to regain a sense of emotional stability and control.
  • EMDR can lead to a reevaluation of negative beliefs about oneself, fostering the development of more positive and adaptive self-perceptions.
  • The therapy helps individuals gain insight and perspective on their experiences, facilitating a shift in their perception of the past and their ability to cope with present challenges.
  • EMDR supports the integration of traumatic memories, reducing their impact on daily functioning and promoting overall psychological well-being.



Next Steps:

  • Research and Information:
  • Educate yourself about EMDR therapy by reading books, articles, and reputable online resources.
  • Seek information about trained EMDR therapists in your area and their credentials.
  • Finding a Therapist:
  • Look for licensed mental health professionals who are trained and experienced in EMDR therapy.
  • Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as healthcare providers, friends, or support groups.
  • Contact potential therapists to inquire about their EMDR expertise, availability, and fees.
  • Initial Consultation:
  • Schedule an initial consultation with an EMDR therapist to discuss your needs, goals, and suitability for the therapy.
  • Ask about their therapeutic approach, experience, and success rate with clients who have similar concerns.
  • Use this meeting to assess your comfort level and establish a therapeutic connection with the therapist.
  • Assessment and Treatment Plan:
  • If you decide to proceed with EMDR therapy, collaborate with your therapist to conduct a thorough assessment of your trauma history, symptoms, and treatment goals.
  • Together, develop a personalized treatment plan that outlines the targeted memories or issues to be addressed during the therapy.
  • Therapy Sessions:
  • Attend regular therapy sessions as scheduled by your therapist.
  • Engage actively in the therapy process by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and emotions during sessions.
  • Follow the therapist’s guidance in engaging in bilateral stimulation (eye movements, taps, or tones) during memory reprocessing.
  • Integration and Aftercare:
  • Reflect on the insights gained during therapy and work on integrating them into your daily life.
  • Practice self-care and engage in activities that support your emotional well-being.
  • Maintain open communication with your therapist about any concerns, progress, or challenges you may face during or after therapy.
  • Remember, each individual’s therapy journey is unique, and progress may vary. It’s essential to approach the process with patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to your own healing and growth.







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